June 4, 2024

Say 'No' to Crocs!

So, remember a few weeks back when I was ranting on my instagram stories about how I absolutely despised Crocs? It's no shocker that my kids (and probably yours too) are totally obsessed with them! I mean, seriously, ever since those shoes hit the scene in 2002, it's like everyone suddendly thought it was okay to wear them outside... News flash, folks: it's not! 

Let's dive into a little Crocs backstory for those who aren't in the loop. These babies were cooked up back in the early 2000s by three buddies: Scott Seamans, Lyndon Hanson, and George Boeddecker Jr. They kicked things off with a line called "the Beach", specifically designed for boat wear. But then, like magic, they became known for their comfort and that airy feel. Next thing you know, surgeons, nurses, gardeners-heck, even grandmas- were rocking them. I still can't wrap my head around why anyone would willingly put such ugly shoes on their feet. Yet, here we are in 2024, and Crocs have racked up over $2.2 billion in sales worldwide in just 2023. Now, that's some serious brand power right there. 

But let's cut to the chase- the part where I get to say, "I told you so!" You see, I've always had this theory that Crocs are a total nightmare for your feet. It's basic physics, really: slap on something big and lacking support, and you're asking for foot pain and deformities. And guess what? Recent findings are backing me up on this! As the ever-wise person I am, this just confirms what I've been saying all along.  

Ah, the age-old debate about Crocs and foot health! I've been on this bandwagon for a while now, and let me tell you, there's a mountain of studies backing up my theory about the havoc those shoes wreak on your feet. It all started when my daughter began griping about her feet hurting. Cue multiple trips to the doctor and some deep dives into research, and what do I find? An overwhelming amount of studies highlighting the drawbacks of wearing Crocs. But try telling that to today's teenagers! It's like talking to a brick wall sometimes. 

The real lesson here? Always opt for comfy kicks, but don't forget the crucial bit: they gotta have proper support. Trust me, it can make all the difference between living your best foot-forward life or limping around in agony. 

These Walk with Dada sandals? Total game-changer!
Picture this: two moms on a mission to craft sandals that scream sophistication, chicness, and comfort- without skimping on quality. And boy, did they deliver! That's the story of founders Danielle Anderson and Courtney Bolton. 

Here's the kicker: one of the founders' dads is a podiatrist. Talk about insider knowledge! With his expertise, they've cooked up a sandal that's all about supporting your posture, aligning those feet just right, and ensuring long-term comfort and foot health. It's like music to the ears of a busy mom who refuses to sacrifice style, even when we're on our feet 24/7. Trust me, these babies are worth every penny!

And so, as I wrap up this discourse on the contentious topic of Crocs and foot health, let me leave you with this: while the allure of those colorful clogs may be strong, it's crucial to consider the long-term impact on your your feet. As the saying goes, "fashion fades, but style is eternal" So let's strive for both comfort and chicness, investing in footwear that not only looks good but also treats our feet with the care they deserve. Whether it's a pair of supportive sandals like these Walk with Dada or another brand that prioritizes both style and foot health, let's step into the future with confidence and comfort, one stylist stride at a time.  

May 6, 2024

Amazon Mother's Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day is the 12th of May and I spent the last few weeks curating the most perfect Mother's Day Gift Guide for the special lady in your life. I'm quite familiar with most of these products and I know you or the special mom in your life will love them too. 


El Día de la Madre es el 12 de Mayo y pasé las últimas semanas seleccionando la Guía de regalos para el Día de la Madre más perfecta para la dama especial de tu vida. Estoy bastante familiarizada con la mayoría de estos productos y sé que a ti o a la mamá especial de tu vida también les encantarán.

February 28, 2024

Doing a Mommy Makeover

Now that the cat is out of the bag I can share all the details about my journey. If you have no idea what I'm talking about let me fill you in. I recently shared on instagram that I'm undergoing a mommy makeover procedure next week. 

I've been wanting to get this procedure done for years and have been super hesitant for many reasons. One: I haven't found a doctor nor practice I felt comfortable with. Two: the results I've come across haven't been exactly what I wanted and three: I haven't mustered the courage to get it done.

After giving it a lot of though, finding a trusted local practice and becoming annoyed with myself for complaining about my problem areas, I've finally agreed to do something about it. 

If you're a mom then you know about all the changes our bodies go through after each pregnancy. I had those changes happen three times and to top it off, each child was delivered by cesarian. Over the years I've been committed to exercising and eating a balanced meal to get in the best shape after my pregnancies. Yes, making those changes have transformed my body and it's helped me tremendously with mental clarity. Unfortunately, the more I exercise, the more weight I loose and the more loose skin becomes visible. Crazy right? Lately, this has been making me frustrated and it's affecting me mentally. 

I often think about all women. All mother's to be exact. I have an incredibly amount of respect and admiration for us. We truly are superwomen! We go through so much to give life to our children. We deal with the pain of delivering them to then be left with countless scars (both physically and mentally) and with a completely unrecognizable body. This can really break a women and I think we deserve to feel and look good again after everything we go through. Take this as a little reminder to be more compassionate towards mothers.

You see, I've tried Morpheus 8 which was something the media hyped for quite some time. We saw countless celebrities try it and swear by it! Did I see results? Yes, for a few months my skin was tighter. I thought, "wow that was easy" but after the effects wore off the skin went back to being loose again. Granted, I only did one session and they recommend 3-4 for maximum results. But deep down I knew I was just avoiding what I actually needed, a tummy tuck. I'm finally done with avoiding the problem. So I started researching. 

During my research I made sure to focus on before and after photos and patient testimonials. I'm one of those really weird people who will follow, stalk previous patients and even send them direct messages to make sure they are 1000% happy with their results before I even book a consultation with any doctor. I  knew exactly what I wanted and exactly what I didn't. That helped me narrow them down pretty quick.

There were many things that were bothering me after entering my 30's. One being the loose skin that was left on my belly button after my three pregnancies, the mommy pouch and lastly the deflated breast after nursing my son. These were things that were out of my control and no matter how much Soul Cycle I did, nothing would make those things better! 

I finally bite the bullet and accepted that some things in life are impossible to fix without the help of knowledge surgeons. 

 After researching doctors and practices that specialize in these type of procedures I narrowed it down to one and only one, Neinstein Plastic Surgery here in New York City. Not only is it incredibly convenient for me as it's local, but their results speak for themselves. I quickly got in touch with the practice and made a consultation with Dr. Pierre. During our first virtual meeting I knew he was the right doctor for me. He was understanding, knew exactly what I wanted and made me feel super comfortable. 

The following week I visited their stunning office which faces the legendary Plaza Hotel for an in-person consultation. During this visit I met Dr. Pierre and the Neinstein team to talk about exactly what I needed to achieve my body goals. We discussed breast sizing, silicone vs saline, recovery time, all the do's and don'ts and everything in between. Here is when I realized I had made the right choice. 

Reasons why I chose Neinstein Plastic Surgery 

1. The practice uses advanced technology.

2. They offer personalized care while helping you find trusted nurses, massage therapists and partner hotels. 

3. They have an amazing hands on team.

4. Their results are exceptional. 

After sharing my decision I received hundreds of messages and question... which is why I'm jumping on an Instagram live tomorrow night along with Dr. Pierre to answer all your questions. Details are below. 

So excited to chat with you!

November 14, 2023

Elevate Your Style with Vintage Finds


In a world where fashion trends come and go, there's a certain charm in discovering pieces that stand the test of time. For over 15 years, I've been on a journey of incorporating vintage finds into my wardrobe, and it's transformed not just my outfits but my entire style. In today's post, I'l be sharing how vintage fashion adds a unique flair that sets your style apart from the crowd.

September 27, 2023

Creamy Shrimp and Red Pepper Pesto with Rice


Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 15 minutes

Servings: 4


1 small onion, chopped

4 cloves garlic, diced + 1 teaspoon grated ginger

1/4 tsp turmeric

1/4 tsp paprika

1/2 cup Roasted Red Pepper & Almond Pesto

1 can unsweetened coconut milk

1 tbsp tomato paste

1 jalapeño, sliced (adjust to your spice preference)

2 small red peppers, sliced

1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined

Thai basil and cilantro for garnish

Salt and pepper to taste

Cooked rice for serving


1. Begin by cooking your rice of choice according to package instructions. Set aside when done.

2. In a large skillet, heat some oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and diced garlic. Sauté for a few minutes until they become fragrant and translucent.

3. Sprinkle in the turmeric and paprika. Stir well to coat the onions and garlic with the spices.

4. Add the Roasted Red Pepper & Almond Pesto to the skillet. Mix them into the onion and garlic mixture and add a splash of water.

5. Pour in the can of unsweetened coconut milk and tomato paste, stirring continuously until the sauce is smooth and well combined. Let it simmer for a few minutes to thicken.

6. Add the sliced jalapeño and red peppers to the skillet. Cook for 2-3 minutes until they start to soften.

7. Now, it’s time to add the shrimp. Cook them in the sauce until they turn pink and opaque, usually about 3-4 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

8. To serve, place a portion of cooked rice on each plate. Spoon the creamy shrimp and red pepper pesto sauce over the rice.

9. Garnish with fresh Thai basil and cilantro for a burst of flavor and color.

10. Enjoy your delicious Creamy Shrimp and Red Pepper Pesto with Rice!

September 21, 2023

Orvis Game Fair: A Family Adventure Day Trip!


Last weekend, my family and I embarked on an unforgettable adventure as we attended the annual Orvis Game Fair at the scenic Orvis Sandanona shooting grounds. This event, nestled in the heart of nature, offered an array of experiences for everyone in the family, from seasoned sportsmen to curious novices. Join us as we recap our delightful day at the Orvis Game Fair and discover why it's the perfect day trip destination, just a stone's throw away from New York City.

August 31, 2023

Banana Pancakes: A Family Tradition of Flavor and Love


In our household, there exists a culinary tradition that has woven its way into the very fabric of our family’s story – the cherished recipe for Banana Pancakes. These golden delights, infused with the sweetness of ripe bananas and a dash of nostalgia, have been a beloved part of our lives for as long as we can remember.

From the earliest mornings to the laziest weekends, our family has gathered around the kitchen to whip up these heavenly treats. The mere scent of bananas being mashed stirs up memories of our kids growing up, their eager hands forming lumps in the batter that would soon transform into fluffy goodness. This recipe has truly grown with us, adapting to changing tastes while retaining its core essence of comfort and togetherness.

July 19, 2023



Life has been pretty peaceful lately, and I'm actually enjoying it that way. I've been minding my own business, building those precious friendships that last a lifetime, and cherishing those heartwarming moments with my children. It's unbelievable, but by the age of 32, I've got everything I ever wanted – a loving family, great relationships with everyone around me, a cozy home I can call my own, and a cute little puppy that brings me so much joy. It's the little things in life that mean the most to me and fill my heart with happiness.

When I started this blog 12 years ago, it was all about sharing my interests in beauty, fashion, and food. But now, it's become my sacred place to vent, just like a personal diary. I'm genuinely grateful to each one of you who reads and follows along.

You know, there are times when we might feel small, like we don't really matter. Then, out of the blue, someone sends you a message, and it changes everything. It reminds me that our connections and the impact we make on others do matter, no matter how seemingly small.

So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of my journey, for reading and supporting me. Your presence makes a difference in my life, and I can't thank you enough. Let's keep finding joy in the little things and continue this journey together!

July 6, 2023

Welcome home, Hunter!


It seems like we can't get a break from all these new apps and technologies. A few months ago it was Tiktok, then Chatgpt and now Threads. If you ask anyone they will agree, it's too much too soon. The thing I love the most is that I get to call this blog my home. No matter what I will always update you guys about my life on here.

and speaking of...

It still feels like I'm dreaming and it's only been a few weeks (inserts heart eye emoji*). 
We are over the moon with our new puppy and wanted to officially introduce the newest member of our family, Hunter. Omg! Look at his adorable little face! He's a German Shorthaired Pointer otherwise known as a hunting dog. It's our dream puppy and I can't believe we get to call him ours. 

We drove all the way to Pennsylvania to pick him up and the 4+ hours were so worth it.

To give you a back story: a couple of weeks ago my husband, Moe and daughter, Hazel were briefly talking about getting a pet. They browsed online and found a potential candidate. I paid absolutely no attention to it since Moe has always said he is allergic to dogs. The possibility of getting a dog was 0 to none... so I thought. He kept in touch with the owner for about one week. She sent him photos and videos and as time went on, Moe and Hazel fell in love with the puppy without even meeting him. On Father's Day we woke up around 6am due to Moe not being able to sleep thinking about the puppy (I wish I was making this up). He insisted we needed to drive down to get him even though we were scheduled to pick him up July 5th, he just couldn't wait! Boy am I glad that was the case.

Growing up I had dogs, birds and reptiles. Moe in the other hand had a cat. As a married couple we've only owned a white siamese cat who found a better home back in 2017. Like I said previously, the idea of becoming pet owners was the last thing on my mind right now. I also feel like the best things for us come at an unexpected time. It's always unplanned but ends up being what fills our hearts with an abundance of love. That's what Hunter is to our family. 

In my son Jame's own words 
"Our family is now completed"


Parece que no podemos descansar de todas estas nuevas aplicaciones y tecnologías. Hace unos meses fue Tiktok, luego Chatgpt y ahora Threads. Si le preguntas a alguien, estará de acuerdo, es demasiado y demasiado pronto. Lo que más me gusta es que puedo llamar a este blog mi hogar. Pase lo que pase, siempre los actualizaré sobre mi vida aquí.

y hablando de...

Todavía se siente como si estuviera soñando y solo han pasado unas pocas semanas (inserta emoji de ojo de corazón *). Estamos en la luna con nuestro nuevo cachorro y queríamos presentar oficialmente al miembro más nuevo de nuestra familia, Hunter. ¡Dios mío! ¡Mira su adorable carita! Es un braco alemán de pelo corto, también conocido como perro de caza. Es el cachorro de nuestros sueños y no puedo creer que podamos llamarlo nuestro.

Condujimos hasta Pensilvania para recogerlo y las más de 4 horas valieron la pena.

Para darle una historia de fondo: hace un par de semanas, mi esposo, Moe, y mi hija, Hazel, hablaron brevemente sobre tener una mascota. Navegaron en el internet y encontraron un candidato potencial. No le presté absolutamente ninguna atención ya que Moe siempre ha dicho que es alérgico a los perros. La posibilidad de conseguir un perro era de 0 a ninguna... eso pensé. Se mantuvo en contacto con el propietario durante aproximadamente una semana. Ella le envió fotos y videos y, con el paso del tiempo, Moe y Hazel se enamoraron del cachorro sin siquiera conocerlo. El Día del Padre nos despertamos alrededor de las 6 a.m. debido a que mi esposo, Moe no podía dormir pensando en el cachorro (ojalá me lo estuviera inventando). Insistió en que necesitábamos conducir para recogerlo a pesar de que estábamos programados para recogerlo el 5 de julio, ¡simplemente no podía esperar! Chicas, me alegro de que ese fuera el caso.

Al crecer tuve perros, pájaros y reptiles. Moe, por otro lado, tenía un gato. Como pareja casada, solo hemos tenido un gato siamés blanco que encontró un hogar mejor en 2017. Como dije anteriormente, la idea de convertirme en dueña de una mascota era lo último que tenía en mente en este momento. También siento que las mejores cosas para nosotros llegan en un momento inesperado. Siempre es imprevisto, pero termina siendo lo que llena nuestros corazones con abundancia de amor. Eso es lo que Hunter es para nuestra familia.

En las propias palabras de mi hijo James
"Nuestra familia ahora está completa"

May 9, 2023

5 Fragrances That Will Make the Perfect Mother's Day Gift


Mother's Day is just around the corner, and if you're like me, you might be scrambling to find the perfect gift for your mom. If you're struggling to come up with something thoughtful, why not consider gifting her a perfume? In my opinion, they're one of the best types of gifts out there – they're easy to find, and they always make the recipient feel special.

As someone who loves perfume and has amassed quite a collection over the years, I'm excited to share some of my favorites with you today. You can find all of these fragrances at Nordstrom, one of my go-to department stores for all things beauty. Plus, some of these perfumes even come with a "gift with purchase" – so you'll get a little something extra for yourself or your mom.

Here are some of my top picks for Mother's Day perfumes: