December 18, 2013

HTC One Giveaway!!! + Review


Alright, the day has come. I have been using the HTC One phone for over two months now and can finally write a decent review on it. Although I have been a die-hard Apple fanatic since day one. I decided change is good, right? When I received the phone [I'll be honest] I did not know how to use it. I found it hard to set things like email accounts and alarms. This happens to everyone when trying new things specially when trying new smartphones. After using it for a couple of days, I started getting the hang of it and I loved it! There were so many things to do with with the phone that I found myself playing with the One for hours and by the end of the day I had no clue where my time went. I am crazy about the sleek design and sturdy feel, which fits perfectly in your hands. Now I'm going to tell you the pros and cons of the HTC One + how you can win this beautiful device.
Muy bien, ha llegado el día. He estado usando el telefono HTC One durante más de dos meses y por fin puedo escribir una opinión decente en él. Aunque he sido una fanática de Apple desde el primer día. Decidí que el cambio es bueno, ¿verdad? Cuando recibí el teléfono [Voy a ser honesta] Yo no sé cómo usarlo. Me pareció muy difícil de poner las cosas como las alarmas, cuentas de correo electrónico y aplicaciones. Esto le pasa a todo el mundo cuando se trata de cosas nuevas, especialmente cuando se trata de nuevos telefonos. Después de usarlo durante un par de días, empecé entenderlo mas y me encantó! Había muchas cosas que hacer con el teléfono que me encontré jugando con el por horas y para el final del día yo no tenía ni idea de dónde se fue mi tiempo. Me encanta el diseño elegante y la sensación robusto, que cabe perfectamente en tus manos. Ahora voy a decirle los pros y los contras del HTC One + cómo se puede ganar este hermoso telefono.

-Something I find awesome is that you can filter and edit the pictures you take without having to download any apps. I know for tech geeks this may be useless and silly. For me this is heaven! I am a selfie fanatic and am absolutely obsessed with this feature. 
-Another one of my favorite things on the phone is the vibrant HD 4.7-inch 1080p screen. 
-On my iPhone, I never [and I mean NEVER] listened to music with headphones because the audio quality on the iPhone sucks! On the One that's probably all I did when I had alone time, I listen to music. The BoomSound beats audio is so good, part of it has to do with the double front speakers. If you've been using an Apple device your entire adult life then you don't know what 'good' is until you listen to music on the One
-This phone also has a new feature called BlinkFeed, which turns your homescreen into a flipboard-like stream of updates from your social media services like Twitter and Facebook. Now tell me that's not sick!? For me, [a social media addict] it is all I have ever wanted (pretty much).

One more thing.. HTC has by far the best customer service I've ever experience with cellphone companies. Very educated, attentive and informative representatives to help you with any problems or questions that you may have. 

The only thing I didn't love about this phone was the keyboard. 

So ultimately what do I think about the HTC One? I think "the One is the best phone HTC has ever made" and yes quote that. I would absolutely recommend this phone if you are in the market for buying a new smartphone.  & if HTC fixed the keyboard I would absolutely change my statement to 'The HTC One is the best smartphone in the world'. Thank you, Thank you very much. 


- Algo que me parece increíble es que se puede filtrar y editar las fotografías capturadas sin necesidad de descargar ninguna aplicación. Sé que para frikis de la tecnología esto puede ser inútil y tonto. Para mí esto es el cielo! Yo soy un fanática de selfies y estoy absolutamente obsesionada con esta característica.
- Otra de mis cosas favoritas es que el teléfono tiene una pantalla HD de 1080p vibrante de 4.7 pulgadas. Que hace que todo se vea mejor. 
- En mi iPhone, yo nunca escuchaba música con audífonos, porque la calidad de audio en el iPhone es una mierda! El beatsaudio es tan bueno, parte de esto tiene que ver con los doble altavoces que trae en la parte de alante. Si usted ha estado usando un telefono Apple, entonces usted no sabe lo que "bueno" es hasta que usted escuche la música en este telefono.
- Este teléfono también cuenta con una nueva característica llamada BlinkFeed, que convierte tu pantalla en una corriente - Flipboard como de actualizaciones de los servicios de medios sociales como Twitter y Facebook. 

La única cosa que no me gusta de este teléfono es el teclado. Me encontré a mí mismo usando diferentes dispositivos para escribir mensajes de correo electrónico. 

Así que, finalmente, ¿qué pienso sobre el HTC One? Creo que "el Uno es el mejor teléfono que HTC ha hecho". Sin duda le recomiendo este teléfono si usted está en el mercado para la compra de un nuevo teléfono. Y si HTC aregla el teclado Sin duda cambiare mi declaración a ' El HTC Uno es el mejor telefono en el mundo". Gracias, muchas gracias jaja.



I'm pretty excited to offer this giveaway to one lucky winner! I love my followers and this is a small reward for all your love and support. This contest is open to anyone in the world. The HTC One is available on all 4 major carriers and also in Europe and Asia. Enter at the bottom of this page. Once the winner is picked I will need your name, physical address, email address, phone number and the name of your cell phone carrier. HTC will contact you and ship your new phone ASAP. Contest ends Wednesday, December 25th. Good luck!


Estoy muy emocionada de ofrecer este regalo a un afortunado ganador! Me encantan mis seguidores y esto es una pequeña recompensa por todo su amor y apoyo. Este concurso está abierto a cualquier persona en el mundo. Este telefono está disponible en 4 grandes compañías y también en Europa y Asia. Una vez que el ganador es elegido voy a necesitar su nombre, dirección física, dirección de correo electrónico, número de teléfono y el nombre de su compañía de teléfono celular. HTC se pondrá en contacto con usted y enviaremos su nuevo teléfono lo antes posible. El concurso termina el Miercoles, 25 de Diciembre. Entra en la parte de abajo. ¡Buena suerte!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Disclaimer: HTC provided me with an HTC One to use/review and one to give away. All opinions expressed are my very own. 


  1. Awesome review and giveaway! The one change I am going through this year I would say is being out of a part time job. This month marks my end of the road as an office PTimer... and that will be one big change for me. But I am taking the bull by the horns and creating an opportunity as oppose to pity party! This will give me more time to focus on my blog and jewelry. I see this as the best thing that can happen to me as a full time blogger. I love this phone and hope I win it:) Thank you! xo

  2. Nice! This year I went through a big change. After being committed to the love of my life since I was 19 years old, the new year started off with the end of our 8 year relationship. The past 11 months have been so hard for me. I never thought I would end up where I am. After being so depressed for so long I realized that I needed to focus on my life and my needs, that my life wasn't over because one person chose to not be a part of it anymore. I turned all the attention I was giving him and put it into myself. I've finally become happy with myself and won't ever allow anyone to take my happiness away again.

    You're passion for fashion and blogging is such an inspiration for so many of us. From a fellow New Yorker, thanks!!

    Twitter & Instagram: Lidulme
    Facebook: Aidita Lucero

  3. The biggest change I have gone through this year was from being in an 8 year long relationship with the love of my life to being alone. I became very depressed for months, not knowing how I was going to ever feel the same way for anyone again. I finally got out of that funk and started focusing on myself and what makes me happy. I found that I don't have to close myself off from people but at the same time, found that I would never allow anyone to make me feel that way ever again. I will never let anyone take my happiness away.

    Your love for fashion and blogging is an inspiration to many of us. Thank you from a fellow New Yorker :)

    Twitter & Instagram: lidulme
    FB: Aidita Lucero

  4. This review is everything seeing as I still have the iphone 4 one of the biggest changes in my life this year by far has been being a mommy of two and trying to balance everything as far as blogging taking care of home and taking care of the kids it has been a very stressful and overwhelming journey my life changed so much in this past year and I am still learning how to take care of me while I take care of them I am now a stay at home mom decided to be a full time blogger I am still learning how to balance that too you have inspire me you have two little ones of your.own and for that I thank you

  5. Great review! 2013 was a year full of changes. After 14 yrs of smoking, I quit cigarettes. So not an easy task. After 10 years of being together with the love of my life we decided to finally get married in November but I think the biggest change for me personally is finding my true passion in Baking. I recently signed up at ICC to start training as a pastry chef and started taking steps to starting my own business. I know it will be hard with two kids and a house hold but its what I love. So I'll find a way to make it happen.

  6. Great review! 2013 was a year full of changes. After 14 yrs of smoking, I quit cigarettes. So not an easy task. After 10 years of being together with the love of my life we decided to finally get married in November but I think the biggest change for me personally is finding my true passion in Baking. I recently signed up at ICC to start training as a pastry chef and started taking steps to starting my own business. I know it will be hard with two kids and a house hold but its what I love. So I'll find a way to make it happen.

  7. Great Giveaway - mu husband needs this! I took on a lot more work from home this past year and I'm grateful for it! It's amazing that bogging and social media has given me such flexibility as a working mom. xx

  8. I graduated from college and I finished the years of studying and I have to find a job !!!

  9. I graduated from college and I finished the years of studying and I have to find a job !!!

  10. The biggest change I went through this year is going through a divorce after a 4 year relationship. I moved back in with my parents. But I believe everything happens for a reason. And I feel like this is another way to make me a better person.
    another major change is losing my HTC one. I had this phone and unfortunately lost it to water damage and have been yearning for it ever since. I literally had no complaints with my HTC one.

  11. Great giveaway! So a change I've gone through this year that carried on from last year and will still continue is my fitness journey. I've never been a very physical fit person and never exercised. After having my two kids, I didn't like how I was. I didn't look good. I didn't feel good. I realized that these small decisions I was making (bad eating habits, not exercising) would have affect on my life in the long run. That's when I decided to stated. My goal is not only for me but for my kids. I want to be there every step of the way. I want to be able to run after them without huffing and puffing. This isn't just a journey but a total life style change. Now don't get me wrong, I do have my bad days but that's ok. I am no where near perfect. As long as I just keeping moving.

  12. Very excited for this giveaway. I already have the HTC ONE and it is the BEST phone I've ever had. I actually want it to surprise my boyfriend with a great new phone for Christmas! I'd love that for him since he's soooo jealous of my phone. I have the Black, so the Silver one would be great for him. One change I have made this year is to change my eating habits to los weight I have been focusing on eating clean and amping up my workouts. I've added Zumba/Fitdance and Pilates. WOW! Have they worked wonders for me! it's been great.

  13. biggest challenge, believing in myself! I finally got over my fears, and created my blog This was a huge commitment for me to make. I have had to learn each and every single step of how to monetize my blog, create links, provide content, etc. But its been well worth it. I am super excited about all of the good things to come. This experience has made me have to get over my shyness and insecurities, and make me believe in myself. Now those may not sound like accomplishments but to me they are as they have been life long battles I have been working on to overcome. This is an awesome giveaway, and I am happy to be a party of this forum. thanks for the opportunity Johnnybell! Keep up the great work!

  14. The biggest change has been that I've been trying to get pregnant. After 3 kids (ages 10, 9, and 4), I was convinced I was done. But 6 months ago we had a change of heart and we've been trying for baby #4. I hope this is my month!

    Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy

  15. The biggest change for me this year is packing up my family and moving to the Atlanta and surrounding area. I've lived in NC all my life and never moved to another state before. It's not far but its still a big change for me and my family...thanks for this awesome giveaway!


  16. I graduated college and I was really proud of myself.

  17. This year has been full of changes and challenges. My eighteen year old daughter had a lump removed from her breast and then she went off to college. I try to give her space but she is my only child and being single she was my bff too. I call her way to much..

  18. I learned a new language french
    and this step was a big change for me especially in my work

  19. i would like to see a better income, somehow. Exercise more or walk.

  20. One big change happened this year was I finally got rid of my 13 yrs old car and got a decent replacement car that I wanted for a long time!

  21. The biggest change was moving across the country after finding a new job in Philadelphia. The east coast is really different from the West!

  22. The biggest change was moving across the country after getting a new job. The east coast is really different from the west!

  23. I need to take time for myself and to not beat myself up if something doesn't go right.

  24. I had my first baby this summer, a beautiful baby boy! Becoming a mom has been such a joy :)

  25. This past year I had a child so I went from working to staying at home. That was probably one of the biggest changes of my life so far!

  26. This year I had a child an went from working to staying at home. This has been one of the biggest changes in my life so far!

  27. I moved in the past year.

