I know many of you have been waiting desperately for this giveaway since I first teased you with the bags a few weeks ago on my snapchat. This is in no way a sponsored post. I simply wanted to show my wonderful readers how much I love them + it's the holidays and I prefer to give rather than receive.
I will be giving away one of these 3 SJP bags which retail for $345. The rules to enter are simple;
-You must follow me on Instagram (@NYTrendyMoms)
-Like the photo of the bags on my Instagram account (here)
- Tag one of your friends and ask them to do the same
-Don't forget to tell me which bag you prefer
That's it! Winner will be announced Monday, December 14th. Best of luck!
-You must follow me on Instagram (@NYTrendyMoms)
-Like the photo of the bags on my Instagram account (here)
- Tag one of your friends and ask them to do the same
-Don't forget to tell me which bag you prefer
That's it! Winner will be announced Monday, December 14th. Best of luck!
Sé que muchos de ustedes han estado esperando desesperadamente este sorteo desde la primera vez que bromeé con las bolsas en mi Snapchat hace unas semanas. Esto es de ninguna manera un post patrocinado. Yo simplemente quería mostrar a mis maravillosos lectores cuánto los amo y ya casi es la navidad y yo prefiero dar en vez de recibir.
Voy a estar regalando uno de estos 3 bolsas SJP que se venden por $ 345. Las reglas para entrar son simples;
-Usted Me debe seguir en Instagram (NYTrendyMoms)
-Dale 'like' a la foto de las bolsas en mi cuenta de Instagram
- Agregen uno de sus amigos y pidanles que hagan lo mismo
-Dejen me saver que color prefieren
¡Ya, eso es! El ganador será anunciado Lunes, 14 de diciembre. ¡Buena suerte!

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