sunnies: Prada (buy here) | blazer + skirt: Express (buy in black here) | top: Ralph Lauren | shoes: Carrano | bag: Chanel | earrings: Aldo (buy here)

Putting looks together has been a thing of the past for me due to the renovation. I know I keep talking about it and to some it may be super annoying but it's something that is taking a lot of my time and energy. Hence, I have to talk about it. I have dozen of posts on draft and I'm simply not motivated to post them.. My clothes, shoes and everything else has been boxed up for the past few months and it feels like my life (and inspiration) is locked away as well. Thankfully there's less then one month for all this to end and everything to go back to normal.
My computer, my memory cards, camera equipment has been moved from room to room, from hotel to hotel and now from hotel to my mothers house. Life has been such a mess, but a beautiful mess. Just now I started to really love the process and pace of my life. Today things are crazier than yesterday, so why am I happier? you may ask. I think I have the answer..
When things get tough and you react bitter.. things get worst.
When things get tough and you try to understand why these things happen.. things only get better.
Understanding that God has a better plan for you is always the best way to look at things and that's exactly what I've been doing. Lately I've been driving more and more which means more time alone and less time on my phone. This has helped me listen to my thoughts and really break free from all the home renovation stress I've been dealing with. Being 26, with two kids (trying to grow bigger) and now a home owner isn't as incredible as it may sound but I can assure you everyone is going through battles. I know it's all worth it in the end. My thoughts will get more clear the faster my kitchen is finished. Cooking is my way of releasing fumes and clear my mind. I didn't realize it until I didn't have a kitchen anymore. I guess it's true what they say 'You don't know what you have until its gone'. I know this post may be all over the place but sometimes that's ok. Nothing has to be perfect and no one is either. I just want to share my current situation and reconnect with my inner self and with my wonderful followers who have been around supporting me since day one.

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