Hey Trendsters!
I hope you had a great weekend. Yesterday was 60 degrees here in NYC and I couldn't let this day pass by without a shoot. Over the weekend I told you guys ( on my snapchat ) that I was going through some personal issues and didn't really want to talk about it. Due to the amount of messages I received from you guys, I thought it would only be fair to let you guys in on what's going on in my life.
We all know that life throws us many curve balls and sometimes it's challenging to catch them all. Due to 'over work', children obligations and other personal things- I've been under a 'little itty bit' of stress. As a result, I have been grinding my teeth excessively in my sleep and it has caused problems to my health. I have been getting severe migraines and terrible toothaches (all over my mouth). It's a bit alarming to me since I've never been the type of person to get sick or have any health issues (thank God!). From the looks of it, my teeth are shifting and I was recommended by my doctor to wear teeth guards at night to prevent any more grinding and help relieve the pain. I have been doing so for three nights with no luck. Not only is the pain gruesome but, I am unable to properly eat.. and you guys know how much I love to eat (inserts crying emoji).
To help with the stress and overall stop grinding my teeth; I was told to avoid using any electronics 1 hour before going to sleep, fall asleep to white noise, drink a glass of water before bed, avoid any alcohol, avoid any citrus, avoid using electronics the first hour of waking up.... I mean, the list goes on. Following all these rules it self is stressful. What I really need is a tropical Vacation, jeje!!
I'll be visiting my doctor this week and will keep you guys updated.
P.S. Thank you everyone who was concerned and sent me messages. This post is for you.
Now let's move on to todays look.

shoes: Christian Louboutin (buy here)
jeans: Aeropostale (buy here)
bag: SJP (buy here)
sunnies: Komono (buy here)

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